Bitten by Picasso, 6 July - 9 October This one room family-focused display showcases ceramics, etchings and photographs by and of Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973).It draws upon the special collection and archive at Farley Farm House, at Chiddingly, East Sussex – the former home of photographer Lee Miller and surrealist artist Roland Penrose. Marcus Harvey: Inselaffe, 16 July - 16 October This summer we welcome leading British artist and YBA (Young British Artist) Marcus Harvey to the gallery for his largest UK public gallery exhibition to date. Inselaffe, will centre around Harvey's most recent work in ceramics which forges motifs and emblems of Britishness, such as military memorabilia and joke shop knick-knacks into collaged portraits of historical figures - from Nelson to Margaret Thatcher and from Napoleon to Tony Blair. The gallery offers a concessionary rate for local residents. To find out more about the gallery and our admission prices, please visit