The OHPS was founded in 1952 and played an important part in safeguarding the historic environment and character of Hastings since then. In 1962 we encouraged the Old Town Community to open their houses and gardens to visitors and the Old Town Walks began soon after. So Old Town Week began and has developed into the wonderful week we are going to enjoy this year.
We hope to welcome you to Hastings History House and Hastings Fishermen’s Museum during the week and if anyone feels they can spare some time to help with our activities we would be grateful. We need help organising a large collection of local history material recently donated, with opening the History House and extra help in Old Town Carnival Week. Volunteers are becoming an endangered species so if you can help save the breed well done.
A massive amount of fundraising goes on this week for a wide variety of good causes so thank you for your generosity and thanks to the Old Town Community who make it happen.
Anne Scott
Chair OHPS