Entries for Carnival Procession must be returned by today 2022 - Hastings Old Town Carnival Week

Entries for Carnival Procession must be returned by today2022

The front of the procession passes the London Trader
The front of the procession passes the London Trader

Entry forms for the Carnival Procession must be returned by TODAY Friday 5th August HOTCA, c/o 54 Welton Rise,St Leonards O/S TN37 7RF or by Email to: hotcasec@gmail.com or delivered by hand by to The Jenny Lind pub, High Street. You can also apply online at our website: https://hastingsoldtowncarnival.co.uk. Link to form here: https://www.hastingsoldtowncarnival.co.uk/entry-form-for-carnival-2021 Entries for tomorrow’s Carnival to register at the Stade Hall from 1pm till 4pm tomorrow


This event has no location, please see description for details